歯木 2-4
インド製 1990年(age) Tuft toothbrush devoted by Mr. M.Okamoto got at New Delhi, India. Local tree name is basil. 2-4

歯木 2-3
サウジアラビア製 1990年(age) Tuft toothbrush devoted by Kasuga corp, got at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Local tree name is Salvadra persica. 2-3

歯木 2-2
パキスタン製 1990年(age) Tuft toothbrush devoted by Mr. M.Okamoto got at Islamabad, Pakistan. Local tree name is Peelu. 2-2

歯木 2-1
インド製 1990年(age) Tuft toothbrush devoted by Mr. M.Okamoto got at New Delhi, India. Local tree name is Neem, Nimb(Hindi). 2-1

歯木 7-23
インドネシア製 1995年(age) Tuft toothbrush devoted by Mr.T Takahashi got at Kalimantan Indonesia. Material is Binnan fruit. 7-23 .

歯木 7-66
タイ製 1995年(age) Tuft toothbrush devoted by Mr.H. Rokutou got at Bangkok Thailand. Material is Fark fruit. 7-66

歯木 7-36
ミャンマー製 1995年(age) Tuft toothbrush devoted by Mr.W.Yamamoto got at Yangon Myanmar. Material is bamboo. 7-36 .

歯木 6-165
パキスタン製 1994年(age) Tuft toothbrush devoted by Mr.M.Okamoto got at Karachi Pakistan. Local tree name is Peelu. 6-165 .

歯木 6-106
トルコ製 1994年(age) Tuft toothbrush devoted by Mr.Y. Mitobe got at Ankara Turkey. Local tree name is Sarvadra 6-106 .

歯木 6-39
セネガル製 1994年(age) Tuft toothbrush. I got this from Senegal sales man of wooden products in Paris. man of wood curvings at Paris.. Local...