戦前のようじ 23-1
角鹿商店の定価表と見本 The price and samples in arouund 1940.
戦前のようじ 23-2
Our founder Y.Inaba imported the machinery from U.S.A and produced flat toothpicks. Custmers called flat toothpick as [Culture toothpick}...
北欧 22-25 . Sweden 18th c.
右上に腰の飾り The top of right side. You can find many accesariyes for waist.
歯科医院で 1787年 France 8-45
みんな痛そう!All visitors seem painful.i
王・女王 Kinistg Edward 1901 28-22 England
王様の腰の飾りをよくご覧下さい。色々身の回り品が付いています。 look the waist hanging many kinds ofaccesaries.
西欧の版画 2-28 France 18 century
つまようじの様な小物が。 Many kinds of accesaries such as toothpicks.
本の表紙(イタリア)中世の歯科医療の大変さが伝わります。 We can imazinre the dufficulty of dental care in middle ages iin Italy.
歯科医院 32-4 France
痛そう! It seemss very painfu!.
中世の歯科医療 32-5 France
まるで見世物。抜いた歯が飾ってあります。 It sems show! The doctor shows drewed tooth.
中世の歯科 32-6 France
舞台の上での治療。人の痛みを楽しむ見世物 The doctor operated on stage. Visitors enjoy other's pain show. 7s